Friday, April 28, 2017

Eastern Palace Card - Thinking of You

Eastern Palace Card - Thinking of You

Dapper Denim CS - 4 1/4 x 11, 3 1/2 x 3 1/2
Very Vanilla Thick CS - 4 x 5 1/4, 3 1/2 x 3 1/2, 2 1/4 x 2 1/4
Tranquil Tide CS - 3 1/2 x 3 1/2, 2 1/4 x 2 1/4

Hey Guys!!  Happy Friday!!  Hope you all have had a WONDERFUL week so far!  Today's project is yet another card created with the Eastern Palace Suite.  If you can't tell, I am in LOVE with this WHOLE suite!  THIS card is very possibly my favorite one so far.  I just love how the doily from the Delicate Doilies coordinates perfectly with the Eastern Medallion Thinlits Dies.  The sentiment from the Eastern Beauty stamp set would be perfect for a Thinking of You card, Thank You card OR a just because card.  Plus the font is sweet as well.  

The Dapper Denim Ruched Ribbon is on the retiring list...BOO!!  I just LOVE this ribbon and am sad to see it go.  BUT SU! has it marked down to just $5.60 (regularly $8).  The retiring clearance items are going FAST and are while supplies last, so don't wait too long to put your order in if it is something you have been wanting. 

Starting May 1st, Stamping' Up! is offering the Eastern Palace Suite in two different bundles!!  I used the items in the Premier bundle to create the projects in today's post.  

Make sure to "SUBSCRIBE" to my YouTube channel to receive notifications when I post new videos as I am adding 4-5 new videos each week!!  If you don't have a YouTube account, but would like to subscribe to my channel, all you need to do is create a FREE YouTube account, go to my channel Jen's Scrappy Pages click subscribe.  Once you subscribe, you will be sent out notifications as soon as I post a new video!!

Stampin' Up! Supplies Used: 

In addition to the video tutorial I made, I also have printable/downloadable instructions below the Supplies Used.  Just click on the "Supply List" to download and print.

When you purchase $35 or more, now through April 30th from my website,  you will receive a little goodie bag from me!!  Use April's Hostess Code 27PCMTVM and you will also receive a thank you gift from me at the end of the month! YAY free stuff!!  

Thanks SO much for stopping by!!

Happy Stampin' Up!



Linda Kaufman said...

Hi Jen! Absolutely LOVE this card! My favorite of the Eastern Palace Bundle! TFS!!!! I got so excited when I saw this on Pinterest last night that I headed to my craft table am doing two of all the 2016-2018 InColors. They are BEAUTIFUL!!! Again, thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!

Barbara Gault said...

I admired your card when I saw it earlier in the week and left a comment on Facebook. I just love the Eastern Palace Suite and have used it at our last Stamp Camp. Your design for this card really caught my eye and I plan to make a similar one using different colors for my daughter's Mother's Day card. Thank you for sharing your lovely cards.

Barb said...

Absolutely love this card! Thank you for sharing!!

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